A one-screen, one-level puzzle game made for The Confounding Calendar.

Arrow keys to move
X to advance time
Z to undo
R to reset

Source Code

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(29 total ratings)
Made withPuzzleScript
Average sessionA few minutes
LinksSource code


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Great game!


"I get it, but this is kind of trivial, isn't i- oh wait"

Sneakily clever puzzle!


Great! I like the initial misdirection and the title wordplay.


Love this so much!! The trick is clever and allows all the swaps to be possible.


Incredibly well made puzzle. I seriously underestimated it at the beginning, thinking everything was about to easily fall into place, but then I realized just how in depth the puzzle was. Great work!


brilliant puzzle! If it isn’t brain-melting to design puzzles this intricate, I’d love to see more levels using this concept & building on it :)


So good!!


Looks simple but actually super tricky. Very creative and clever mechanics.

(2 edits) (+1)

aha, got it! really clever idea. im amazed the solution actually required
hfvat gur obggbz obk sbe n qvssrerag ohggba. v jnf fher vg jbhyqag or arprffnel gb hfr gung bar vafgrnq bs nal bs gur barf nobir vg, v ehyrq vg bhg gbb dhvpxyl!
very fun!


I finally figured out what to do by focusing on the question, (rot13) "Jung tbny pna V rira trg gur gbc obk gb?" 

V fcrag n juvyr gelvat gb ebgngr gur gbc guerr obkrf pybpxjvfr nzbat rnpubgure'f tbnyf, pbzcyrgryl vtabevat gur obk ba gur ybjre jnyy. Gung dhrfgvba tbg zr gb svanyyl abgvpr gur gevpx gb trg gung obk bss gur jnyy.

This puzzle was right at the sweet spot of difficulty for this advent calendar, imo. A crunchy but still snack-sized puzzle I could actually see myself doing as part of a daily routine for a month.


Love this!! Beautiful use of the colour palette as the sunrise/sunset, and the puzzle is elegantly designed with plenty of fun realisations.

I especially like how (ROT13 spoiler) abar bs gur obkrf raq hc va gur gnetrgf gurl ner pybfrfg gb ng gur fgneg bs gur tnzr. Ybiryl ovg bs zvfqverpgvba!